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Coach Ryan
Ryan Zimmerman â€‹
What year did you start CrossFit?
CrossFit certifications
  • CrossFit Level 2
Why did you join CrossFit?
I wanted “completed fitness”.  I enjoyed weight training, but i’m not a big fan of cardio/endurance sports by themselves, nor did I have time to do both with my work and family schedule. I knew I needed  to improve my cardio stamina, and CrossFit was the perfect fit for both, with the WODs fitting in my time frame. What I didn’t plan on was how much it improved my flexibility, reduced joint pain and help my weight fluctuations. It’s an overall fitness program.
Why do you want me to join CrossFit?
CrossFit is “total fitness”along with a heavy emphasis on sustainable nutrition. CrossFit by definition is “functional fitness”, whether you are a competitive athlete or an athlete trying to “slow the aging process”, CrossFit will help you obtain your goals. It’s adaptive to any age and ability. You have one body, it’s YOUR responsibility to take care of it!
Where do you work?
  • Westview Veterinary Hospital, Inc. 
  • THE Ohio State University- Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Family, woodworking, cooking, skiing. 
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"With people this is impossible, but with God all things are possible"  Matthew 19:26

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