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Trey Ickes

What year did you start CrossFit?

CrossFit Certifications
  • CrossFit Level 1
  • CrossFit Judge
Why Did You Join CrossFit?
I joined CrossFit because my mom and sister were doing it and convinced me to come work out...little did I know it was Murph 
Why do you want me to join CrossFit?
CrossFit Truly is for everyone. It doesn't just make you a healthier human. It teaches the foundational movements of LIFE. Think about it, picking up stuff up off of the ground (Deadlifting), or sitting down on the toilet (squatting).
Where do you work?
Sutton Payments
Bachelor's of Science in Accounting and Master's of Business Administration from Heidelberg University. 
I enjoy having the opportunity to give individual baseball lessons to young ball players. I also enjoy watching and investing into the stock market (cryptocurrency currently). 
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"With people this is impossible, but with God all things are possible"  Matthew 19:26

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